
getting it together

Hi, folks. I've been scrambling lately as I get my business ready--building a website, talking to some awesome local photographers (I'll write more on them later), working with a designer on a logo, setting myself up with a lab, selecting specialty products...the list goes on. I'm overwhelmed at times, and find it difficult to fall asleep at night thinking about all of this stuff. But it's been loads of fun. I can't wait to line up some shoots!

Here are a couple of shots of my daughter from yesterday. She would wear this dress every day if she could:

She's been a reluctant swimmer, refusing, all summer long, to do anything but cling to me in the water, while some of her almost-three peers are practically doing laps. Finally, on pretty much the last day the pool was open, she got brave enough to put her mouth in. She's been blowing bubbles in the tub since then, and it's very exciting for her:

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